18 julio 2010

Daily (July 18)

- I had the intention of lost in Chicago, an d I obtein it. I drew up my objective: the Humboldt Park, and I found it. Walk around of 12 kilometers and sweats two liters, but I could found it, alter three hours… The place not surprising me, but isn´t ugly.
- The clouds move quikly and rained whit Sorong for fiveteen minutes, time sufficient to finish soaked. I need to walk because the bus didn´t appear, finally pass one and run venid it, and get on until Fullerton.
- Get off in the foot locker shop, next to the Old Navy, for suplies my shoes, but I didn´t found it.
- The rest of the day I will read and write

1 comentario:

Juan Luis dijo...

Mi estimado Juan Carlos, veo que estás disfrutando el viaje a la cuna del Tochodominguero!

Por cierto, te recomiendo un par de páginas a las que recurro bastante cuando redacto en inglés:


Te perdiste de un tocho con final heróico este domingo.. esperamos tu regreso a los emparrillados/empedrados.
